Fernando A. Neris, P.E. - President
Estructura, US
Fernando A. Neris, P.E. - President, Estructura, US

Fernando A. Neris is the President of Dorado Services, Inc., Florida, U.S. – an engineering firm and federal contractor to the Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA – which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, having been established in 1999. Neris is also President of Dorado’s two subsidiaries: Dorado Services of P.R., which offers a range of engineering and logistics services in Puerto Rico, and Estructura, which offers customised structural monitoring services to aid in building management, risk limitation, and emergency preparedness.
Estructura is a Platinum partner of Swiss manufacturer GeoSIG, which provides earthquake, seismic, structural, dynamic and static monitoring and measuring solutions. This technology is installed on critical infrastructures worldwide, including large sport venues, railways, bridges, dams, and science and technology facilities. Neris was graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering.
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