Javier Dávila de Eusebio - Project Director
IDOM, Spain
Javier Dávila de Eusebio - Project Director, IDOM, Spain

Javier Dávila is Technical Architect (BSc Architecture) and Project Management Professional (PMP)®. He has over 28 years’ experience on construction projects, and he is highly specialised on singular projects construction management. He led the Project and Construction Management for Business and Arts International Center (“BAI Center”) in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the new Auditorium, Exhibition and Convention Center. It is also relevant his position as Project Manager for the Futur Palau Blaugrana project (Sports Arena) for FCBarcelona during 2017.
He is the Sports Architecture Business Development Manager at IDOM, with responsibility for the strategic development of future sport projects for IDOM worldwide, which has given him an important sports specialization from participating in the development of several sports architecture projects and engaging with Clients and Professionals all over the world. Such sports projects include typologies as Stadiums, Arenas, Sport Halls & Community Centers, and Training Grounds & Sport Cities.
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