Coliseum Summit EUROPE
Emirates Stadium, London
March 18-19, 2025


Sebastian Tobie - Managing Director, eps event holding gmbh, Germany

Sebastian Tobie

Sebastian Tobie began his career in 2005 as an assistant at eps, the leading global service provider of infrastructure for live events, in Cologne. His enthusiasm for the event business and the infrastructure in the live entertainment industry inspired him to pursue a career in this field.

After a few local tour productions, Sebastian quickly advanced to project manager on numerous large events and festivals, followed by worldwide tours for bands and artists such as U2, Coldplay, Madonna, Beyoncé, The Rolling Stones, and many more. In addition, he was responsible for delivering eps’ services to landmark events like the Rolling Stones’ concert “Havana Moon” in Cuba and the “Global Citizen Festival” in Johannesburg.

Thanks to his organizational talent and curiosity about foreign countries and cultures, he was soon appointed as Head of Global Operations. In this role, he supported the company’s expansion into various new markets, including Switzerland, the UK, Sweden, Spain, Mexico, Canada, and the Middle East.

Today, Sebastian Tobie is the Managing Director of eps event holding, as well as eps international and other eps subsidiaries.

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