ColiseumENGAGE – the Digital Marketing Tool into the sports venue industry!
Over the years, Coliseum Global Sports Venue Alliance (Coliseum GSVA) has established one of the largest and most comprehensive databases in the global stadium and arena industry.
In 2024, Coliseum GSVA distributed 208 newsletters, each reaching an audience of approximately 35,000 industry professionals.
The website,, has also experienced significant growth, achieving an average of 3,000 unique visitors daily and approximately 80,000 page views per month in 2024.
Furthermore, Coliseum GSVA has built a robust presence on LinkedIn, with a network of over 19,000 followers and connections across two channels, cementing its position as a leading platform for industry engagement.
Coliseum GSVA is committed to leveraging these powerful tools to support its partners in showcasing their products and services to the global stadium and arena industry.
ColiseumENGAGE has demonstrated a strong track record of success, executing multiple impactful digital campaigns throughout 2024.