About us

About us

Coliseum – Global Sports Venue Alliance - about us

Founded in 2010, Coliseum Global Sports Venue Alliance (with its global summits in the US, Latin America, Europe, China and the Middle East) serves as the premier global platform connecting the stadium business industry worldwide, dedicated to creating outstanding venues that go beyond their primary purpose. By fostering integration within communities and emphasizing environmentally-friendly practices, the Alliance seeks to develop venues that generate revenue while minimizing the ecological footprint.

“What makes Coliseum Summit truly stand out is its distinctive format, featuring a wealth of case study presentations spanning various aspects of stadium and arena management. From cutting-edge designs and innovative construction methods to the latest in technology, sustainability, fan engagement, and commercialization, this summit is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted stadium and arena industry.” Said Michael Rennschmied, CEO of Coliseum Global Sports Venue Alliance.

Since 2019, Coliseum developed to a membership-based organization, Coliseum Global Sports Venue Alliance, and it is a 24/7-365 community. Though it is primarily about stadiums and arenas, but also the international experts are united within the alliance, dedicated towards building the best global community of sports and entertainment venue executives and professionals creating better and more profit able venues.

Coliseum facilitates a dialogue between stadiums, arenas, clubs, leagues and experts and enables them to learn from each other while establishing relationships. Coliseum’s digital 365Coliseum Business Center is a vast pool of resources for the stadium and arena industry worldwide. The most popular feature is the ‘Get in touch’-Service, giving members the opportunity to connect with many stadiums and arenas around the world.

Coliseum Global Sports Venue Alliance – grew to over 300 members and is in a position to offer 65,000 industry contacts worldwide, nearly 5,000 in-house editorials, 300 videos, and a construction database with over 500 current projects.
