Tag: sports arena

PCL BMO Stadium-Crypto.com Arena gameplan

PCL Constructions game plans for BMO Stadium and Crypto.com Arena

Bringing a construction company into the design phase of a major sports arena project can be a game changer for everyone involved. ‘PCL CONSTRUCTION’ stated that with fan allegiances, taxpayer money and price tags that can surpass $1 billion, both architects and contractors face immense... » Read more

San Diego Midway Rising project forge ahead

Midway Rising to develop arena in San Diego

The San Diego City Council (US) approved a negotiating agreement on September 13th with developers who plan to revamp about 50 acres in the Midway district, including the Sports Arena area. ‘10NEWSSANDIEGO’ stated that by entering an exclusive negotiating agreement with the developers on the... » Read more

Midway Rising poised to build San Diego arena

Group around Legends favourite for new San Diego arena

After 10 months of real estate competition for the 48-acre City’s sports field, San Diego (City in California, US) Mayor Todd Gloria has selected the group’s proposed winner to build the most expensive condominium. ‘GETABOUTCOLUMBIA.COM’ stated that recently, the Mayor said he is... » Read more
