New Perth Stadium to offer five-star experience to the disabled


New Perth Stadium

Ahead of the start of New Perth Stadium construction, Western Australia (WA) Premier Colin Barnett has announced that the venue will be one of the best in Australia for fans with disability who have special access requirements.

Barnett met members of the Stadium Access and Inclusion User Group, who have been participating in a series of workshops providing advice on the project’s design. “This project has undergone an extensive planning phase over more than two years and this user group, including people in wheelchairs, their carers and others with special access requirements, has given us invaluable advice,” he said.

“We set out to deliver a ‘fans first’ experience in the design of the new Perth Stadium and the Sports Precinct.
This will set new benchmarks for public facilities, ensuring everyone has the same five-star experience on event and non-event days.”

Construction of the new 60,000 seat stadium – dubbed as Australia’s biggest – is due to start later this year. Site offices are currently being fitted out and machinery is being deployed.

WA Sport and Recreation Minister Terry Waldron announced that the new stadium would include: automatic doors on all 21 accessible toilets; three changing places toilets (a first for an Australian stadium); all concessions, ticket windows and retail outlets at a height suitable for wheelchairs; 12 lifts; undercover seating; wheelchair positions on all levels alongside flexible seats for carers.


Stadium Rail Project progressing on time

Meanwhile three builders have been shortlisted for the related $100mn Stadium Station project. Three proponents have advanced to the final stage of the procurement process to build the Stadium Station and associated rail infrastructure works in Perth.

Brookfield Multiplex/Downer, Laing O’Rourke/AECOM and John Holland will now enter the final phase of the tender process with the Public Transport Authority.

Australian media quoted WA Transport Minister Dean Nalder as saying that “it is vitally important that the public transport infrastructure is of high quality and delivered on time, as most visitors to the new Perth Stadium would travel via train or bus”.

“This contract will involve not only building the Stadium Station, but also significant rail works, including infrastructure that will enable Transperth to store up to 117 railcars on the Burswood Peninsula,” he said.
“Because of this, the six-platform Stadium Station will deliver unprecedented levels of service to Perth’s public transport users. Public transport will be the most efficient and effective way to travel to and from this world-class venue,” Nalder added.

In June, Hassell Ltd was awarded a $5.5 million contract to design the six-platform station which will be built on the former Belmont Park Station site. Stadium Station is a significant part of the $358 million integrated transport component of the stadium and sports precinct.

“Once the construction tender is finalised, we expect work will begin in mid-2015 and will be completed in late 2017, leaving plenty of time for testing before the stadium opens for the start of the 2018 AFL season,” says Nalder.

The 60,000-seat Perth Stadium is scheduled for completion in time for the 2018 AFL season. The site is currently being prepared so construction of the new Perth Stadium can start on schedule by the end of 2014.

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