Survey Form

Survey Form


Overall Experience

How would you rate your overall experience at Coliseum Summit US 2023, on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being poor and 5 being excellent)?

Program Enhancement

What additional content or topics would you like to see included in our future Coliseum Summits? Your suggestions are valuable in helping us tailor our programs to your interests and needs.

Specialist Webinars

Are you interested in attending specialist webinars in-between our physical events? If yes, please specify the types of content or subjects that would be of particular interest to you.

Event Location

How did you find the location of Coliseum Summit US 2023? Do you have any recommendations for other cities that you believe would be suitable hosts for future Coliseum Summit events, considering stadium and arena visits?

Additional Feedback

Is there any other feedback, suggestions, or ideas you would like to share with us regarding the summit or its organization?

Attendance and Recommendations

Will you be attending Coliseum Summit US 2024, scheduled for the last week of May 2024 in Kansas City? Additionally, would you recommend our summit to your colleagues and industry peers?
Your responses will assist us in continually improving our summits to better meet the stadium and arena business industry expectations and the needs of our professional delegates. We appreciate your input and look forward to your insights. Thank you for your participation in Coliseum Summit US 2023!
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