Redecoration on for Germany’s Red Bull Arena


Leipzig Red Bull Arena Image: Bundesliga

The Red Bull Arena – a football facility located in Leipzig, Germany – is being overhauled. However, discussions centering on the stadium surroundings will continue for a while. In the future, the German association football club RB Leipzig’s office will come up at Sportforum in Berlin.

Media reports stated that an application from the Greens has now been rejected. This application was filed with the calculation to prevent the construction of a new office and a parking garage next to the former central stadium. The building department of the city of Leipzig is sticking to the idea of bringing the club even closer to its location. It is assumed that RB Leipzig will employ at least 300 more people by the year 2030.

The current office is accommodated in a container solution on the training site. With a new office at the stadium, the Sportforum can consolidate its position as the “hotspot of the sports city”. Keeping an eye on Euro 2024, which also takes place in Leipzig, the need of the hour is to erect a parking spot.

The city was originally supposed to present the ‘Masterplan Stadionumfeld’ at the beginning of 2020, but it will probably not be presented until the end of this year.

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